How to Change Tumblr Background

You can customize the background of your Tumblr blog according to your preferences. You have the option to change the background color and add a background image to your Tumblr blog. Enhancing the visual appeal of your blog can be achieved by adding a background color or an image. Changing the background of your Tumblr blog is a simple process. In this post, I will guide you through the steps of changing the background of your Tumblr blog..

How to change your Tumblr blog background :

There are two methods to change the background of your Tumblr blog. Firstly, using the theme options, you can modify the background color and image of your blog. You can locate the background options within your blog's theme options on Tumblr. The availability of these background options depends on the specific theme you are using. If your theme includes background options, the process is straightforward. However, if your theme lacks these options, you will need to edit your Tumblr theme code to add a background color or image to your blog.

Follow below steps to change background color and image of your Tumblr blog:

Step 1 : Go to Tumble Dashboard

Step 2 : Click on account tab and then click on your blog name

Step 3 : Click on Edit appearance

Step 4 : Click on "Edit theme." Now you can see both "Theme options" and "Appearance options."
  • Under THEME OPTIONS, you can find the Background option.
  • Click on the Background image button to add an image as the background image.
  • Click on the circle button next to Background to choose a color and set it as the background color.
Step 5 : Finally, click on the "Save" button to apply the changes to your blog.

That's it! This is the simplest method to change the background of your Tumblr blog. However, if you are unable to locate the background settings in THEME OPTIONS, you will need to edit your Tumblr theme. Below, I will demonstrate how to do it.

Follow below steps to change/add background color and image to your Tumblr blog by editing theme :

Step 1 : After completing step 4 as mentioned above, click on "Edit HTML."

Step 2 : Search for "body {"

Step 3 : Add the following code before the closing tag of the "body {" section to add a background color:

background-color: #222222;

Step 4 : Add the following code before the closing tag of the "body {" section to add a background image:

background-image: url('your image URL');

Step 5 : Click on "Update Preview" and then click on "Save."

This is how you can add a background color and image to your Tumblr blog.